Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Trip To ATM

Take a quick trip to ATM ... No, not the cash machine at the bank. I'm talking about a very enjoyable podcast called All Things Medieval - or ATM. Formatted along the lines of NPR's popular "All Things Considered," ATM focuses on any and all things having to do with the Middle Ages. Historical news, book reviews, interviews, and happenings in the field of historical reenactment.
ATM is produced about once a month by a host named Justyn Webbe. The show is currently airing its fifth episode, and I certainly wish them well. Considering "all things medieval" is a big job - but listeners are sure to always get something new and interesting.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jedi Knights

A quick teaser for the next season of the Chivalry Today podcast ... Our first new episode of the third season (episode 23) will be posted at the beginning of September. In conjunction with the opening of the new Clone Wars/Star Wars animated movie, our featured topic will be Jedi knights and the code of chivalry.
We've just gotten word that our guest on the show will be none other than Hugo-winning sci-fi author David Brin, one of the principle editors of the book Star Wars On Trial. David is going to bring some very thought-provoking concepts about the Jedi knights and the code of chivalry - I'm not going to spoil anything, other than to say it's going to be an episode full of surprises.
Until then - check the podcast page next week (6/16) for an quick update with Prof. Susan Aronstein about Arthurian images and themes in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and next month we'll replay my interview with Prof. Will Brooker, author of Batman Unmasked, just in time for the opening of The Dark Knight!